

This is Cakewalk’s Instrument Definition file for a Waldorf Q series synth. The difference is that sound numbers are replaced with their respective categories, i.e., instead of "A002 Rain" it is "pad Rain". So now when you need to choose a pad, you can type "pad" in the Sonar’s instrument selection box and see all sounds in this category. In other words, if you need a lead, for example, you don’t need to remember that "Trennkost" is a lead as opposed to, say, pad or bass. Makes life a lot easier.

The file is based on an original version by Fredrik Haglund posted on Waldorf’s site (I hope he does not mind - let me know if it is not so).


This is Cakewalk’s Instrument Definition file for a Roland XV-3080 synth. It is the same idea as with Waldorf Q - all patches’ names are prefixed with their respective categories, for example, ’spd’ for soft pads, ‘hld’ for hard leads, and so on. Since XV-3080 is a general purpose box, it has a lot more categories than Q does.

Portions of this file were copied over from the instrument definition file collection prepared by Li’l Chips Systems.


This is Cakewalk’s Instrument Definition file for Poly Evolver from Dave Smith Instruments. It does not have sound categories just yet.